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A recurring automatic transaction, also known as a pre-authorized transaction, is set up within your account and is where an external entity is given authorization by you to either debit (PAD) or credit (PAC) your account.
If you are using a bill payment for your recurring automatic transaction, the payment must be set up directly with the billing company to qualify. This means you must provide your institution, transit and account numbers via a void cheque to the billing company so they can automatically withdraw the money when the payment is due.
Recurring automatic payments, like bill payment or e-transfers, setup through online banking or by your advisor do not qualify as a recurring automatic transaction.
Pension payments
ICBC-monthly payments
Automatic Credit Card Payments
Car payments
TFSA, RDSP contributions
Monthly subscriptions (streaming services, etc.)
Recurring bill payment
Recurring e-transfer
Participants of the program must meet the age of majority (19 years in BC). A Referrer must be an existing First West Credit Union member in good standing. A referee must be a non-member of First West Credit Union. See "Referrer Qualifications" and "New Member Qualifications" in the Terms & Conditions for more details.
Yes. Referrals via email and social media are valid for 60 days.
No. However each member will only receive up to $500 in account credits in a calendar year. During the 'Double your rewards' promotion, you can earn up to an additional $1,000 a year.
All referrals go through an automated matching process with our banking system so we can verify that both members qualify for rewards. In order for the referral to be approved, you must provide your first name, last name and date of birth to Referral Perks and this must match your banking information. You must also provide a valid email address so that we can contact you about your referral status.
Log in to the Island Savings Referral Perks website and click Check status if you have a pending referral.
You can log in to the Island Savings Referral Perks site and resend the referral. Or your referee can visit the site, click Get your reward and enter your email address to register.
If you have questions or are experiencing difficulties on the Referral Perks site, click the Contact Us link in the bottom navigation of the Referral Perks site to submit your inquiry to the Support Team. This will ensure that it reaches the appropriate people and you receive the quickest response.
Click on the link contained in the Referral Perks email/message and follow the instructions to register for the program.
If you were referred verbally, you must register by clicking the Get your reward button on the Referral Perks site. Enter the email address of the friend who referred you, and we'll email them to confirm the referral.
Yes. A qualified referee must open their new Island Savings Tru Essentials Chequing Account and set up and complete a pre-authorized debit or credit transaction within 60 days of unlocking their offer.
When you refer a friend to Island Savings, you may each qualify to have the reward transferred into your account if:
See the Rules for details.
A recurring automatic transaction, also known as a pre-authorized transaction, is a transaction set up within your account. Examples of this include:
You can earn up to $500 per calendar year. Referees who receive their first reward for being referred are eligible to earn up to $500 per calendar year in additional rewards for making their own referrals. During the 'Double your rewards' promotion, you can earn up to an additional $1,000 a year.
Once the referral has been approved and all criteria met, your reward will take up to 7 business days to be credited to your account.
We acknowledge that we have the privilege of doing business on the traditional and unceded territory of First Nations communities.
© First West Credit Union. All rights reserved.