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Our business online banking services make it easy to manage your business.
Our Business Online Banking service provides simple access and tools for the day-to-day banking needs of small to medium-sized businesses.
Our Commercial Online Banking service is more robust with complex user access and account consolidation suited to larger businesses and corporations.
We'd be happy to set you up with secure access—simply stop by any of our branch locations.
We can help you do your banking fast and efficiently. Small Business Online Banking (eBOB) is smart, simple and seamless. Designed especially for the needs of small to medium-sized businesses, our online business banking service gives you powerful, time-saving features in one convenient package.
Small Business Online Banking offers many of the same features available on our personal online banking service, plus you'll also be able to:
To get started, visit one of our branches to obtain your secured access code. If you already have access, you’re all set—log in now.
We can help you do your banking fast and efficiently. Our Business Online Banking (BOB) service is a more robust online banking experience with features that are suited to larger businesses and corporations.
To get started, visit one of our branches to obtain your secured access code. If you already have access, you’re all set—log in now.
Small Business Online Banking (eBOB) is an intuitive, easy-to-use online banking service full of great features to help you manage your personal and business finances.
If you can't find the information you're looking for, please contact us and we'll be happy to assist you.
If you've incorrectly tried to login to Entrepreneurial Business Online Banking, you'll be prevented from trying to login again for security reasons. You'll need to contact your branch so that they can reset your access.
The maximum password retry for delegates is 3. After the maximum is reached, a signer will need to unlock their delegate through eBOB. In the Delegate Manager, select the 'Unlock this account' checkbox to restore your delegate's access.
Ensure that the delegate is entering their member number with a capital letter “D”—this first digit of their member number is case sensitive.
Use the Delegate Manager to access the “Edit Delegate” page. From here, you can see the delegate's member number at the top of the page and you can also set up a new temporary password for them.
Each signer can set up to view and transact from up to four different membership numbers—the account they are signed into, plus three additional membership accounts they wish to view and transact from at the same time (i.e. each signer can customize their view of eBOB so that they can consolidate their personal and business accounts into one online banking session).
Simply click 'Remove' from the options beside the membership number listed in the Account Consolidation Manager. This action does not affect the membership account which was removed. You can access that membership account by logging into it separately.
Delegates are people you grant limited access to your account(s) through eBOB, such as an assistant or family member. Delegates can only be set up by an authorized account signer and can be set up with read-only or initiator access.
Delegates with read-only access can only view account activity in accounts you give them access to. Delegates with initiator access can not only view account activity but also set-up transactions that must be approved by signers.
When you add a new Delegate, the member number is automatically generated and cannot be changed; however, the password you set up is only a temporary password. Your delegate will change the password you give them through eBOB to something they choose. Your delegate will be prompted to change their temporary password when they login for the first time.
Each signer can add up to three delegates. Once three delegates have been added, the link becomes inactive.
Delegates can see the accounts which you have given them access to—if that includes your personal accounts, then yes, they'll be able to see that information. If you don't want delegates to view the personal accounts you added to the Consolidation Manager, make sure those memberships are not selected for delegate access.
Each signer can set up delegates without needing the other signer's approval. The other signer(s) can view and delete each signer's delegate list but can't change the status or profile on another signer's list of delegates.
In Delegate Manager, select 'Delete' beside the delegate's name to remove the user permanently.
In Delegate Manager, click 'Edit' beside your delegate's name to go to the 'Edit Delegate' page. Change the delegate's status to 'Inactive'. When you want to restore delegate access, change the status back to 'Active'.
A transaction can be cancelled by the initiator of that transaction by recalling that transaction. This can be done within the Transaction Manager for any transactions still listed under the 'Transactions Require Approval from Others' section. Any transactions that have already been approved or rejected cannot be recalled.
You can create similar transactions simply by clicking 'Create a Similar Transaction' for any transactions listed under 'Rejected, Expired, or Recalled Transactions'. Simply enter the new information and click 'Submit'.
When a transaction is initiated, it is assigned a Pending Number which the initiator can use as a reference for follow up. Once the transaction is approved and completed, the pending number is replaced with a Confirmation Number.
Delegates initiate transactions that require approval from signers. Initiating a transaction involves setting up the transaction by entering information such as the type of payment, account to transfer from, payee, amount, and the Payment Date. Transactions created by a delegate become Pending Transactions and require approval from one signer (or two signers if two are required). Once the signer(s) approves the transaction, it will clear the account as a completed transaction.
Transactions created by a delegate require a signer to approve the transaction. In the Transaction Manager prior to the approval, the transaction heading displays "Transfer - 0 of 1 Approved" which means that approval is required on the transaction from one signer to complete the transaction. For transactions which require two signatures, this heading will display “0 of 2”. When one of the signers approves the transaction, the display is changed to “1 of 2” and will require the other signer to approve the transaction before it is complete.
The Payment Date of an initiated transaction is determined by the initiator but keep in mind, the signer must approve the transaction before the Payment Date passes or the transaction expires.
No, the signer only has to approve the recurring transaction upon its initial set-up.
After a transaction is posted, it isn't possible to determine which delegate initiated the transaction and which signer approved the transaction. We'd suggest putting an internal process in place to track this information if it is important to you.
Transactions expire if they are not approved within 7 days of being created. Scheduled payments expire if they are not approved before the Payment Date.
Yes, transactions set up in eBOB will require approval from two authorized signers. If your delegate initiates a transaction to transfer funds, both signers must give their approval.
You'll need to create a new Payment Profile to specify the business CRA number you'd like to set up for each type of tax payment option. Once you set up your business number for payment, you will see your payment/filing options - File / View History / Delete.
As with other bill payments, simply go to your Account Activity page and you'll see a history of all of your CRA payments.
If you do not have sufficient funds in your account to make the tax payment on your Payment Date, the payment will not be submitted. The government agency concerned may charge you a penalty and interest if your payment is late. Please ensure that your account has enough funds to make the tax payment on the Payment Date.
In order to ensure your CRA payment is received on time, you must pay your bill by midnight (PST) on the Due Date provided to you by the government agency.
You can only cancel scheduled payments you've made which will appear under the 'Scheduled Payments' heading of Payments until midnight (PST) on the Payment Date.
Before midnight (PST) on the Payment Date, you can still cancel the scheduled payment by deleting the transaction on the page of Pending Payments. The payment amount will be credited back to your account. After midnight on the Payment Date, you must contact the government agency concerned to amend your payment. Please allow 24 hours for your payment to be processed before contacting the government agency.
Yes. If you change your branch and/or your membership number, you'll need to:
If you have consolidated any membership accounts, you have the option to add a bill payee to any or all of these membership accounts for your convenience.
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